IPBRICK enables contingency plan in response to Covid-19
In the aftermath of the most recent events related to the New Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic and the decision of the Portuguese Government to declare alert state in the whole country, IPBRICK decided to enable phase II of its Contingency Plan, whose phase I had been enabled in February.
Even though no cases of infection or suspicion of contamination were detected in members of the IPBRICK team, it is our civic duty to adopt preventive measures to contain this virus, bearing in mind the need to ensure a proper provision of services to Partners and Clients.
Therefore, we hereby inform you of the measures included in IPBRICK’s Contingency Plan:
Phase I of this plan was enabled on the 28th of February and consisted in the implementation of a set of preventive measures, related with basic procedures of sanitation, rules of respiratory etiquette, regulation of meetings and work commuting as well as processes of monitoring, communication and follow-up of possible suspicious cases.
Considering the most recent declaration of the Portuguese Government, IPBRICK decided to enable phase II of its contingency plan. Therefore, effective immediately, we have implemented the following additional measures:
- two thirds of the employees of each team will carry out their job functions by teleworking and for an indefinite period of time;
- the number of authorized employees to commute while on the job was restricted;
- visits to the company facilities are prohibited;
- to contact the IPBRICK team, Voice (call), Videoconference, Professional Chat and Email must be used.
Thanks to IPBRICK technology, it is possible for 90% of the company to remotely perform their job functions as if they were in the office.
We, therefore, believe that we have gathered the necessary conditions to keep providing you our services, without a visible impact in quality or response times.
We are at your disposal to help you with what you consider necessary, in order for you to keep your companies/services working without disruptions.