Set your iPortalDoc to manage your correspondence
Manage your letters with the help of iPortalDoc.
Before you start wondering about the correspondence that your company has yet to manage, let us tell you that we have the solution for the formal answers and letters that you need to send! To the sent letters workflow, inserted in the correspondence process, you can associate emails and documents, such as: orders, credit notes, invoices and others. In addition, you can also insert attachments and sign the letter with an identification document.
iPortalDoc provides you with a letter template which, after filling and associating/attaching the necessary documents, you can choose to send by electronic mail or by registered mail. At any time of the process, you can consult its associated information.
The access to the information is faster, your correspondence is organized and easily searchable, and the physical space of your office is put to best use, since it transforms paper into electronic documents.